About Us
Our Collective is a global alliance of Activists, Artisans and Artists dedicated to GOoDness upon Earth through our Humanitarian, Peace and Nature Missions.
Our Motto
Consequi Magnificentia Per Bonitatem (Achieve Greatness Through GOoDness)
Our Charter
1. We shall seek justice and righteousness within ourselves before we can judge others.
2. We shall allow without dissent for religious worshippers believing in Love before Hate and Freedom before Slavery.
3. We shall not commit harm against innocent souls; use force only in defense and without cruelty.
4. We shall not steal the possessions of others, be it property or creativity.
5. We shall seek to protect the weak, support the meek; and use our strength and courage to build admiration and not oppression.
6. We shall lead by example and not coercion; allow for the diversity of all peaceful life without discriminations.
7. We shall not submit falsehood nor make gains through untrue facts and wrongful acts.
8. We shall not needlessly destroy any benevolent creations of humanity or nature.
9. We shall oppose warfare and conquest, and only occupying lands in rightful manners that can be justified by increased worth.
10. We shall continue to seek knowledge and wisdom, for only Truths will lead to eternal survival and higher evolution.
Where We Go
Who We Are
What We Do